March 7, 2025
So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
II Cor. 9:7
Dear Friends,
Last week during Sabbath School class an amazing thing happened. A fellow from another church in our community walked in and handed me an envelope. He said that he was impressed to give to our ACS building project. He explained that he had sealed the money in an envelope and set it aside. The very next day the Lord unexpectedly repaid him four-fold!
This past week an elderly man walked into the thrift store. From the looks and smell it was easy to conclude that he was in great need. He picked out some clothes and some clean bedding. When he asked how much, we said – no charge. He then pulled out a few soiled dollar bills from his pocket and insisted on paying a couple of dollars.
Rotten Siding Removed Getting Ready to Rebuild Rotten 2x4's
Praise God! The work is going forward. The rotten material has been removed. New 2x4’s are almost all installed. This week a door and window have been set in place. Next week the installation of windows, doors, sheeting, and metal should begin in earnest.
New Door and window (under wrap) New Framing
Some of you have been wondering about the grants we have applied for. While we did not receive the grants we were hoping for, last month almost $10,000 was donated to the project. Thank you to all of you who have donated and have been praying for this project. May God continue to be glorified!
We are still in need of funds to be able to pay the contractor and finish the project. In fact, this need has increased due to having to replace so much rotten wood and having to replace our two porches and the ramp which provides ADA access to the thrift store.
How can you help?
- Pray - Prayer is what we need most.
- Share - Please forward this request to all you know who might be able to give.
- Sell - It is time for spring cleaning. Is there something that has been sitting around your house or storage that is just collecting dust? Consider selling it and giving the money to the project and invest in our community.
- Give Online - Go to, click on “Online Giving” and select “ACS Building Project.”
- Give by Mail - Make your check out to Grays Harbor Adventist Church. In the memo line write, “for ACS Building Project” and send to the following address., Grays Harbor Adventist Church, 3101 Cherry Street, Hoquiam, WA 98550.
- Give in Church - Put your cash or check into an offering envelope. Write on the envelope ACS Building Project and put it into the offering plate.
The ACS board and I are convinced that God is in this project and that He will see it through until completion. I would like to invite you to partner with us in this effort.
Don Hay
Grays Harbor ACS
February 16, 2025
Dear Friends,
Praise God! Work on the ACS building has started. Last week, much of the rotten siding was removed and the framing on the southwest corner of the building has been repaired. Windows have been ordered. The metal and sheeting are on site.

Paise God! Last week approximately $3,500 was donated. This gives us a total of $61,940 for the project.
We are still $46,285 short to pay the contractor.
How Can You Help?
Pray! The best thing is to pray. Pray that our grant applications will fall on favorable eyes. Pray for the contractor. Pray that this request finds its way to the right people. Pray that people will be impressed to give.
Share! Share this opportunity with others. People are blessed when they give. Share that each week dedicated ACS volunteers provide free food and clothing to approximately 110 to 170 families in Grays Harbor. Our 3 R’s Thrift Store not only helps support the operation of the building but is also a source of low-cost household essentials for the community. We periodically teach classes on heathy cooking/nutrition, stop smoking, and grief recovery. No one in need is ever turned away!
Give! My friends, if the Holy Spirit places it in your heart to make a tax-deductible donation to this project, you may do so either online or by check.
- You can donate online by going, click on Online Giving, and select “ACS Building Project.”
- Or send a check payable to the Grays Harbor SDA Church, on the memo line put for ACS Building Project and send to the following address.
Grays Harbor SDA Church
3101 Cherry St.
Hoquiam, WA 98550
Do you need an idea of how much to donate? Why not sponsor a section of the reconditioned roof ($4.00 per square foot) or part of the new siding wall ($16.00 per square foot). You could also buy doors or windows, on average ($370.00) each.
February 5, 2025
The Grays Harbor Adventist Community Services Board is making an appeal those who have a burden for Adventist Community Services and helping those in need. Below is a brief explanation of the project and directions on how to give are at the end of this email. Here is a sharing letter which explains the project in greater detail with photographs.
Dear Friends,
A couple of weeks ago I was stunned!
As I drove up to our Grays Harbor Adventist Community Service (ACS) building I could not believe my eyes. There was a line of cars stretching out of the parking lot and down the street. There must have been 70 cars with their occupants patiently waiting. Why? To get a simple box of food.
One day a person walked into the thrift store with only one shoe. His barefoot blue with cold. Another time a family, burned out in a house fire, left with clothing and much needed items to get by.

Each week dedicated ACS volunteers provide free food and clothing to approximately 110 to 170 families in Grays Harbor. Our 3 R's Thrift Store not only helps support the operation of the building but is also a source of low-cost household essentials for the community. We periodically teach classes on healthy cooking/nutrition, stop smoking and soon, grief recovery.
Helping the community is what we do, no one is ever turned away.
We now find ourselves in need of help.
Why? Our ACS building is in desperate need of repair. There are many places where the siding has rotted away to nothing, exposing the underlying insulation. Without a temporary plastic covering, water gets into the inside of the building. The windows leak and the doors no longer
function properly. The flat membrane roof needs to be resealed. Without intervention we will lose the building and the services we provide to the community.

For the past year and a half, the ACS board has studied the problem and weighed our options. The ACS board has hired a local contractor to reseal the roof, install gutters and downspouts, repair damage due to rot, re-sheet, install a vapor barrier, install metal siding with new windows and doors. This will stop the damage and allow us to continue our mission to the community.

How can you help?
The ACS board has stepped out in faith! We have signed a work agreement with the contractor and the work is scheduled to begin next week! The cost of the project is $108,225 and thus far we have raised $58,440.
This leaves us $49,785 short!
My friends, if the Holy Spirit places it in your heart to make a tax-deductible donation to this project, you may do so either online with a credit card, or by check.
You can donate online by clicking on this link or copy and paste the following URL in your browser,
Or send a check payable to the Grays Harbor SDA Church. In the memo please put for ACS Building Project. Send to the following address: Grays Harbor SDA Church, 3101 Cherry St., Hoquiam, WA 98550
Will you partner with us and, "Go and do likewise?"
Don Hay
ACS Co-Director
PS. Do you need an idea of how much to donate? Why not sponsor a section of the resealed roof ($4.00 per square foot) or part of the new wall ($16.00 per square foot). You could also buy doors or windows (on average $370.00 each).